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Friend up to $24

Patron $25 - $49

Downbeat Club $50 - $99

Encore Club $100 - $249

Conductor's Club $250 - $499

Maestro's Club $500+

Ticket sales alone cannot sustain a great music organization. Only through the contributions of generous individuals, foundations and businesses can the Arizona Wind Symphony continue to thrive. Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE* annual giving generates a large portion of the Arizona Wind Symphony's operating budget, allowing it to continue its growth and play music in one of Arizona's finest Fine Art Centers.  Your gifts keep the music playing!

Your contributions help ensure a vibrant and enduring future for your Arizona Wind Symphony, and continued musical inspiration for our entire community. Gifts in any amount are greatly appreciated, and really do make a difference! START by clicking on the purple Google Form icon, above.

Maximize the impact of your gift by checking to see if your employer has a Matching Gifts program. 


Supporting the Arizona Wind Symphony is as easy as a click of the mouse. Thank you for support.


*AWS is a 501(c)(3) NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION and your donations may be TAX-DEDUCTIBLE (check with your accountant).





Take advantage of our advertising option for your business. Half and full page colored ads in every 2024 - 2025 program, from $400 to $1000. Click below to access and download our form.

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